Beginner Orientation

Welcome to the Insight Meditation Community of Richmond (VA). We are happy you’re here!

Below are some resources to get you started with meditation. If you have not practiced Insight Meditation before then it is recommended that you go over these resources in order to prepare yourself for your first visit with us in person or on Zoom.

What is Vipassana Meditation?

Vipassana meditation, also called Insight Meditation, is a practice commonly found in Theravada Buddhism, particularly in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. This branch of Buddhism places a strong emphasis on meditation, as well as the study of the Buddha’s teachings, including the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. Through these practices, individuals strive to gain insight into the nature of the body and mind.

The Buddha emphasized the importance of investigating one’s own direct experience in the present moment. By observing the body and mind, individuals can recognize patterns that influence their everyday life, helping them to understand what leads to suffering and what leads to happiness. As individuals continue to practice the Buddha’s teachings, they will gradually begin to understand things as they truly are, which is the ultimate goal of vipassana meditation.

In the video below you will find more information on insight Meditation.

Video "What is Insight Meditation?" (4 minutes)

Note that comments can only be made on YouTube under the video (click on “YouTube” when the video plays).

Video "Postures for Meditation" (13 minutes)

You can sit on a meditation cushion, a bench or a chair; each of these options is discussed in the video. Note that comments can only be made on YouTube under the video (click on “YouTube” when the video plays).

Video "Guided Vipassana Meditation" (27 minutes)

In this video a short introduction to Vipassana meditation, followed by a step by step guided meditation. Note that comments can only be made on YouTube under the video (click on “YouTube” when the video plays).

Video "Walking Meditation Instructions" (6 minutes)

Note that comments can only be made on YouTube under the video (click on “YouTube” when the video plays).

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