Daylong Retreat: Wise Speech

The Innerwork Center 213 Roseneath Road, Richmond, VA, United States

During this Daylong Retreat we will be exploring the topic of Wise (or Right) Speech. Speech is one of the most common ways we express ourselves, whether through conversations, texts, social media, or the internal dialogues we have with ourselves. Often, we don’t pay much attention to how we speak, yet our words shape our experience, influence our relationships, and reflect our inner state.

Spring Weekend Retreat

The Clearing 14006 Genito Road, Amelia CH, VA, United States

A retreat is a great way to unplug from the busyness of daily life and find some restfulness and ease. This retreat will be held partly, or mostly, outdoors, weather permitting. This is a wonderful chance to try a silent meditation retreat while surrounded by the beauty of nature. We follow the old tradition of using nature to support our spiritual journey. Nature has a lot of teachings for us, and we will explore some of those during this weekend.

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