Donate (Dana)

What is dana? It’s simplest meaning is “generosity”.

We practice dana by offering the teachings without a price tag. You can practice dana by making a donation of money, time and/or labor. Your donation allows us to continue offering the teachings. Our group (IMCR), meditation center (Ekoji) and teacher are maintained by the generosity of all of you who value the teachings.

Along with sila (virtuous behavior), dana is considered essential to building a strong foundation in which wisdom can arise through meditation.

Listen to a short talk given by our Guiding Teacher Marjolein Janssen on the topic of dana (generosity) during one of our regular Tuesday sits.

Offering a Donation to the IMCR Group

Your dana-offering to the IMCR group directly contributes to the maintenance of the building we are gathering in (“Ekoji”), the website costs, and other expenses our group has.

Offering a Donation by Check

Write a check to ”Insight Meditation Community of Richmond” and send it to the following address:

Insight Meditation Community of Richmond
3411 Grove Avenue
Richmond Virginia 23221


Offering a Donation with PayPal

You may donate with PayPal using the button below

Donate with PayPal

Offering a Donation to ourTeachers

You can offer a donation directly to one of our teachers. For ways to do this, see their profiles here.

Learn More about the Practice of Dana in Buddhism

Read an Article by Robert Beatty

“Dana, as the foundation of our spiritual life, helps us recognize and practice our natural interconnectedness. As life gives generously to us, so we give generously back to life. We belong to what we support, and what we support nourishes us.”
Read more…

Listen to a Dharma Talk on Dana

In this recording our guiding teacher Marjolein Janssen talks in-depth about what dana means in Buddhism.

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